WSET Level 2 Award in Sake


We are certified providers of WSET Level 2 Award in Sake in English. Since the study material and the exam is in English we teach in English as well.

The course doesn’t require prior knowledge. But if you have no previous experience with sake, we recommend starting with the WSET Level 1 in Sake course.

Level 2 is intended for anyone wishing to learn about the different styles of sake and how they are made, as well as those seeking to build on the introductory knowledge gained with the WSET Level 1 Award in Sake.

Successful candidates will identify sake categories, understand their characteristics, and learn key principles of storage and service, enabling them to respond to customer queries and provide recommendations.

The course will cover the following subjects:

  • How to describe and assess the quality of sake using the WSET Level 2 Systematic Approach to Tasting Sake ® (SAT)
  • The ingredients used to make sake: This includes the ingredients that brewers are required to use and the ones they can choose. We also cover the varieties of rice that are used to make sake.
  • Processing the raw materials: We cover how steamed white rice and kōji (a type of fungus used for fermentation) are made and how different styles of sake require rice with different polishing ratios and different styles of kōji.
  • How sake is made: We explore all of the main techniques that are used from fermentation starter to dilution and packaging and how different choices are made when making the different styles of sake.
  • Common labelling terms, including how some of the most important ones are written in Japanese

When and where?
The course is a 2-day course at our facilities at Hotel- og Restaurantskolen in Valby.
The daily schedule will be from 9.00am till 5.30pm. The dates for upcoming courses will be available here as soon as they are set.

Your learning will be assessed by a closed-book exam of 50 multiple-choice questions, to be completed in 60 minutes.
This qualification is graded:
Pass: 55% – 69%
Pass with Merit: 70% – 84%
Pass with Distinction: 85% or more

5.500 DKK.
This covers the WSET Level 1 Sake study pack, all sake tasted, lunch and coffee and exam fee.

Any more questions?
We are happy to answer any questions you might have. Just contact us at or +45 61 46 74 01. See our complaints policy here.

You can see the full official specification of the WSET Level 2 Award in Sake here.