WSET Level 2 Award in Wines

We are certified providers of WSET Level 2 Award in Wines in English. Since the study material and the exam is in English we teach in English as well.

Furthermore, this will give all non-Danish speaking wine enthusiasts and professionals the possibility to deepen their knowledge through high-level wine education, while building a solid tasting technique and getting an international well-known certificate.

No previous formal wine knowledge is required for this course.

The course will cover the following subjects:

  • How to taste and describe wine using the WSET Level 2 Systematic Approach to Tasting Wine®(SAT).
  • How environmental factors, grape-growing, winemaking and maturation options influence the style and quality of wines made from eight principal grape varieties.
  • The style and quality of wines.
  • How grape varieties and winemaking processes influence key styles of sparkling wines and fortified wines.
  • Key labelling terms used to indicate origin, style and quality.
  • Principles and processes involved in the storage and service of wine.
  • Principles of food and wine pairing.

When and where
The course consists of 3 days of teaching and an exam at our facilities at Hotel- og Restaurantskolen in Valby.
The daily schedule will be from 9.30am- 5pm for the course days and 10am-11.30am for the exam. The dates for upcoming courses is available here as soon as they are set.

The exam
The exam consists of a closed-book exam of 50 multiple-choice questions to be finished in one hour.

The price
7.500 DKK.
This covers the WSET Level 2 Study pack, all wines tasted, lunch and coffee and exam fee.

Any more questions?
We are happy to answer any questions you might have. Just contact us at or +45 61 46 74 01.
See the full official specification of the WSET Level 2 Award in Wines here.